6th month Baby Development
Body Movement
Lifts chest and most of tummy off floor by pushing up on extended arms. Rolls from back to tummy easily. Rocks and kicks a lot. Rolls around in delight. Sits erect briefly, using hands on floor for balance and support. Bounces when held erect. Likes seeing the world when standing.
Thinking Skills
Follows your direction of pointing. May point at new things. Babbles and "talks" to toys and to himself in mirror. Intently listens to his own voice. Understands your speech by the tone of your voice. Recognizes names, basic words, familiar household sounds. Enjoys manipulating other people's faces by poking, pulling and studying them to understand his separateness from them.
Emotional Development
Very sociable -- smiles, laughs hilariously and enjoys being with people. May be more selective about with whom she socializes. When she can't do something, may become frustrated, whine or explode in rage. Smiles at herself in the mirror (but does not recognize it is her reflection until she is more than one year old). Is very curious to explore the world around her. Plays by herself longer because she can sit better now. Appears to make decisions when choosing to play with toys.